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MiniTrays / MicroWell™ MiniTrays

PS, used in serotyping, microcytotoxicity and cell cloning studies.
  • Optical clarity allows use with inverted microscopes.
  • Occupy min. freezer and incubator space.
  • Lids have keyed tabs for proper orientation.
  • Large raised alpha-numeric coordinates.
  • Unique surface treatment to enhance sample and reagent mixing.

MicroWell™ MiniTrays:
  • Dimensions wells (top x bottom x depth): 3.71 x 1.27 x 1.91 mm.
  • External dimensions with lid: 84 x 59 mm.

  • Dimensions wells (top x bottom x depth): 3.82 x 1.34 x 1.92 mm.
  • External dimensions with lid: 84 x 59 mm.
  • External dimensions without lid: 81 x 56 mm.
Technical Data:
Total surface area:0.2 cm2
Total volume:10 µl
Lid:no indication
MiniTrays / MicroWell™ MiniTrays  Nunc
TypeAnzahl WellsPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
MicroWell™ MiniTrays for serological applications60 well10054303921382.00Order
MicroWell™ MiniTrays for serological applications75 well10054303931382.00Order
MiniTrays60 well480543039511,649.00Order
MiniTrays75 well480543039611,778.00Order

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