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Microplates BRANDplates®, lipoGrade™

PS, non-sterile. Strongly lipophilic / hydrophobic. For solid phase with hydrophobic molecules and liquid phase with hydrophilic molecules, resp.
Modification via a physical-chemical process, good shelf life at room temperature. Clearly distinguishable through the colour code: blue embossed alphanumeric coding for 96-well standard plates. Free from endotoxins, DNase, DNA, RNase, non-cytotoxic.
Sterile:no indication
Lid:no indication
Microplates BRANDplates®, lipoGrade™  BRAND
TypeAnzahl WellsVolume / well [µl]ColourPUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
Standard96 well330.00transparent10054201241 280.70Order
Standard96 well360.00transparent10054201251 on demand 
Standard96 well350.00transparent10054201261 280.70Order
Standard96 well350.00transparent10054201271 on demand 
Standard96 well330.00white10054201281 on demand 
Standard96 well350.00white10054201291 on demand 
Standard96 well330.00black10054201301 on demand 
Standard96 well350.00black10054201311 on demand 
Transparent bottom96 well330.00white10054201321 on demand 
Transparent bottom96 well330.00white554366631 on demand 
Transparent bottom96 well330.00black10054201331 on demand 
Transparent bottom96 well330.00black554366641 on demand 
Standard384 well100.00transparent5054201341 on demand 
Standard384 well100.00white5054201351 on demand 
Standard384 well100.00black5054201361 on demand 
Transparent bottom384 well120.00white5054201401 on demand 
Transparent bottom384 well120.00white554366651 on demand 
Transparent bottom384 well120.00black5054201411 on demand 
Transparent bottom384 well120.00black554366661 on demand 

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