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Laboratory Stools 50 S/PU

Stool with PU-seat.
  • Round seat Ø 35 cm.
  • Aluminium base, black with soft casters or glides.
Laboratory Stools 50 S/PU  bemefa
Laboratory Stools 50 S/PU  bemefa
Laboratory Stools 50 S/PU  bemefa
TypeSeat-height cmDescriptionWeight kgPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Laboratory stool 50 S/PU42 to 54with soft castors10157336441166.00Order
Laboratory stool 50 S/PU/MH47 to 64with soft castors10157336121187.00Order
Laboratory stool 50 S/PU/SH/FAR/GL56 to 82with plastic slider a. footrim11154288481253.00Order

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