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Surface-Disinfecting Detergent Pursept®-AF

For fast surface disinfection and cleaning of alcohol resistant laboratory furniture and glass, metal or plastic instruments. The solution has a pleasant, fresh fragrance. Appropriate for use in the food sector. pH value (1 %): approx. 10.
  • CE-marked acc. to MPG (German Medical Products Law).
Microbiological efficiency / concentration for use:
Surface disinfection:
Bacteria and fungi with high organic burden acc. to DGHM / VAH directives:0.25 % (2.5 ml / l) / 4 h
0.5 % (5 ml / l) / 1 h
1 % (10 ml / l) / 30 min
2 % (20 g / l) / 15 min
Limited virucidal efficacy* (incl. HIV, HBV, HCV):1 % (10 ml / l) / 15 min
Inactivation of human rotaviruses:0.25 % (2.5 ml / l) / 2 min
Effectiveness against TbB:2 % (20 ml / l) / 1 h
Ausführung:liquid concentrate
Zur Reinigung von:surfaces
Surface-Disinfecting Detergent Pursept®-AF  BRAND
Inhalt mlPackungPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR Order qty.
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* As recommended by the RKI, Bundesgesetzblatt 01/2004.

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