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Microcentrifuge Tube Racks, Coloured

PP. Thus not floating in waterbath. For tubes Ø 11 mm (microcentrifuge tubes) or Ø 13 mm (cryo tubes). Stackable, with alphanumeric characterised positions. Operating temperature - 20 to + 90 °C. Autoclavable at 121 °C (2 bar), acc. DIN EN 285. Density 1.2 g / cm³. Sturdy construction, racks are supplied in a flat condition for simple and permanent assembly.
L x W x H: 265 x 126 x 38 mm.
Microcentrifuge Tube Racks, Coloured  BRAND
Anzahl der StäbeColourHöhePUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
128white11.00554093081 79.25Order
128blue11.00554093091 79.25Order
128red11.00554093121 79.25Order
128yellow11.00154093131 on demand 
84white13.00554093141 79.25Order
84blue13.00554093161 79.25Order
84red13.00554093211 79.25Order

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