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PCR Tubes with Attached Caps

BRAND has significantly expanded its product range of extra-thin-wall disposable products, which were specially developed to satisfy the demands of PCR applications!

Quality features:
  • Suitable for use in common thermal cyclers.
  • PP, extra-thin uniform wall thicknesses to provide the optimal thermal transfer and short cycle times.
  • 96-well PCR plates with blue alphanumeric code and cut corner marking.
  • Highly clear flat covers optimally suited for qPCR.
  • DNase-, DNA- and RNase-free.
  • Autoclavable at 121 °C (2 bar), acc. to DIN EN 285.
  • White PCR plates are available for best results with quantitative real-time PCR.
Made of pure, virgin PP. PCR tubes 0.2 and 0.5 ml with attached caps are compatible with leading thermal cyclers with heated lids. Unique cap design closes and opens easily without tools, yet ensures a tight fit to reduce sample evaporation. The various colours of the PCR tubes allow fast sample classification. Extra-thin, uniform wall to provide the optimal thermal transfer and short cycle times. Free from RNase-, DNase- and DNA. Autoclavable (121 °C).
PCR Tubes with Attached Caps  BRAND
VolumenColourDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
0.20colourlessdomed cap10005409370171.50Order
0.20colourlessflat cap10005409371158.85Order
0.20pinkflat cap10005423615158.85Order
0.20yellowflat cap10005423616158.85Order
0.20greenflat cap10005423617158.85Order
0.20blueflat cap10005423618158.85Order
0.50colourlessflat cap10005409372154.00Order
0.50pinkflat cap10005423619154.00Order
0.50yellowflat cap10005423620154.00Order
0.50greenflat cap10005423621154.00Order
0.50blueflat cap10005423622154.00Order

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