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UV-Cuvettes, Plastic

UV-cuvette micro
  • Centre height: 8.5 or 15 mm.
  • Specially designed for photometric determination of proteins, ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA and oligonucleotides in the UV range.
  • Usable starting from 230 nm. Ideally suited for measurements at 260 and 280 nm as well as in the visible range.
  • Standard 10 mm light path.
  • Sample volumes as small as 70 µl are sufficient.
  • Individually wrapped UV-cuvettes micro are free of DNase, DNA and RNase.

UV-cuvette macro and semi-micro
  • Ideally suited for determinations in water analysis, chemistry and in life science applications.
  • Usable with most polar solvents, acids and alkaline solutions.
  • Drastically reduced risk of contamination and lower costs compared to quartz glass cuvettes.
  • 10 mm light path.
Technical Data:
Standard deviation
240 nm:≤ ± 0.007 extinction units
300 nm:≤ ± 0.005 extinction units
Light path:10 mm
Typical range of application:230 to 900 nm
Material:no indication
UV-Cuvettes, Plastic  BRAND
UV-Cuvettes, Plastic  BRAND
UV-Cuvettes, Plastic  BRAND
Wavelength min.Wavelength max.Max. filling volume [µl]LängeOuter width [mm]DescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
2309003000.0023.004.50UV-cuvette, semi-micro1005406118138.90Order
2309004500.0035.0010.00UV-cuvette, macro1005406119135.30Order
230900850.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 8.5 mm1005406120129.15Order
230900850.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 8.5 mm50054061211132.75Order
230900850.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 8.5 mm, single wrapped1005406128160.55Order
230900550.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 15 mm1005406122129.15Order
230900550.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 15 mm50054061231132.75Order
230900550.003.502.00UV-cuvette, micro, center height 15 mm, single wrapped1005406129160.55Order
00   Cap for UV-cuvette micro, blue1005406124113.90Order
00   Cap for UV-cuvette micro, yellow1005406125113.90Order
00   Cap for UV-cuvette micro, green1005406126113.90Order
00   Cap for UV-cuvette micro, orange1005406127113.90Order

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