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Macro and Semi-Micro Disposable Cuvettes

Standard disposable macro and semi-micro cuvettes are ideal for kinetic measurements and are supplied in a clearly arranged and resealable packaging. These cuvettes are delivered grouped by mold cavity number to ensure lowest variation of extinction coefficient.
  • Clear, clean optical path with indication of optical path orientation.
  • Manufactured under controlled room conditions and fully automatic packaging.

Cuvettes of PS:
Typical range of application: 340 to 900 nm. Standard deviation at 360 nm ≤ ± 0.005 extinction units.

Cuvettes of PMMA:
Typical range of application: 300 to 900 nm. Standard deviation at 320 nm ≤ ± 0.004 extinction units.
Cuvette:12.5 x 12.5 x 45 mm
Window: macro cuvette10 x 35 mm
Window: semi-micro cuvette4.5 x 23 mm
Light path:10 mm
Wavelength max.:900 [nm]
Macro and Semi-Micro Disposable Cuvettes  BRAND
Wavelength min.Max. filling volume [µl]MaterialDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
3404500.00PSMacro cuvette1005406110113.60Order
3403000.00PSSemi-micro cuvette1005406114114.19Order
3004500.00PMMAMacro cuvette1005406111114.35Order
3003000.00PMMASemi-micro cuvette1005406115115.08Order

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