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Safety-Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes

PP. The cap sealing of test tubes ensures an extreme tightness which is essential for applications with valuable samples, radioactive materials and DNA.
  • Autoclavable with opened cap at 121 °C, 20 min.
  • Free of RNase-, DNase-, DNA-, pyrogens.
  • Free of human DNA, endotoxin-free.
  • Produced in microbiologically controlled clean room ISO Class 8.
  • Optimal tightness due to tight serration at the cap and tight channel at the tube; thereby a low evaporation is guaranteed.
  • Secured shut due to form-closed cap lock; accidental opening of the lid during incubation is not possible.
  • High chemical resistance.
  • Labelling areas on the cap and tube.
  • Graduated for easy determination of the volume.
  • Usable from - 80 to + 100 °C.
Purity:Eppendorf Quality"
Safety-Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes  ratiolab®
Safety-Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes  ratiolab®
Safety-Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes  ratiolab®
VolumenMax. RZB [x g]Lid typeSterileDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR Order qty.
Order qty.
0.5030000snap capnonot sterilised5005443553118.75 +4.00%Order22
0.5030000snap capyessterilised505448292136.90 +4.00%Order  
1.5030000snap capnonot sterilised10006008006140.50 +4.00%Order1 
1.5030000snap capyessterilised1005448293152.10 +4.00%Order  
2.0030000snap capnonot sterilised10005443554142.80 +4.00%Order1 
2.0030000snap capyessterilised1005448294160.20 +4.00%Order  
5.0020000screw capnonot sterilised1005202226120.70 +4.00%Order  
5.0021000snap capyessterilised505448295169.40 +4.00%Order  

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