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The Transferpettor pipette operates on the positive displacement principle. It is ideal for pipetting highly viscous media like highly concentrated protein solutions, oils, resins and fats with a viscosity up to 140000 mm² / s. It is suitable for media with high density up to 13.6 g / cm³, e. g. glycerin, mercury as well as media with high vapour pressure up to 500 mbar (e. g. alcohols, ether, hydrocarbons) or media which tend to foam (surfactant solutions). DE-M marking.
  • Supplied without accessories.

Transferpettor, digital, DE-M marking, with performance certificate.
Transferpett<U>or</U>  BRAND
Min. VolumenMax. VolumenMax. VolumenR* ≤ ± %VK* ≤ %FarbcodePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
2.5010.00 1.000.8orange152806021363.35Order
5.0025.00 0.800.52 x white152806051363.35Order
10.0050.00 0.600.4green152806101363.35Order
20.00100.00 0.600.4blue152806201363.35Order
100.00500.00 0.500.2green152807241363.35Order
100.001000.00 0.500.2yellow152807261363.35Order
1000.00 5.000.500.2red152807301363.35Order
2000.00 10.000.500.2orange152807321363.35Order
* A = Accuracy, ** CV = Coefficient of variation.
Calibrated to deliver (TD, »Ex«). Error limits according to the nominal capacity (= maximum volume) indicated on the instrument.

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