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Volumetric Flask for Oil Content Determination

SILBERBRAND, Boro 3.3. DIN 51368. Interchangeable hollow glass stopper size 19 / 26. Calibrated to Contain (TC, In). For determination of oil content in aqueous oil emulsions (e. g. drilling oil).
Technical Data:
Sample volume:100 ml (± 0.2 ml)
Volume range 0 to 5 ml:subdivision 0.1 ml
error limit ± 0.1 ml
Volume range > 5 to 30 ml:subdivision 0.5 ml
error limit ± 0.5 ml
Volumetric Flask for Oil Content Determination  BRAND
DescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Volumetric flask for oil content determination152768801107.70Order

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