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Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Amber Gratuated

All BLAUBRAND® burettes, automatic burettes and bulb pipettes are supplied with a batch number and an accompanying batch certificate in the original packaging. On request, they are also available with an individual certificate, USP individual certificate or DAkkS calibration certificate.
BLAUBRAND® ETERNA, class A, amber graduation, DE-M marking. Boro 3.3. Acc. to DIN EN ISO 1042. Calibrated to contain (TC, »In«). Ring mark and inscriptions in ETERNA amber stain. With PP-stopper.
Ausführung Hals:standard ground
Material:borosilicate glass 3.3
Lid material:PP
Gewinde:no indication
Volumetric Flasks, Class A, Amber Gratuated  BRAND
VolumenToleranzNSPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
5.000.0410 / 1925276260135.30Order
10.000.0410 / 1925276261135.70Order
20.000.0410 / 1925276262136.50Order
20.000.0612 / 2125430092137.10Order
25.000.0410 / 1925430093136.10Order
25.000.0612 / 2125276263136.50Order
50.000.0612 / 2125276264140.10Order
100.000.1014 / 2325276270143.70Order
200.000.1514 / 2325276271149.90Order
250.000.1514 / 2325276272152.10Order
500.000.2519 / 2625276273161.60Order
1000.000.4024 / 2915276274154.40Order
2000.000.6029 / 3215276275174.40Order
W = wide mouth.

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