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Magnetic Stirrer Hei-PLATE Complete Packages

Hei-PLATE Silver 1 Package includes:
  • Magnetic Stirrer MR Hei-Tec.
  • Temperature sensor Pt 1000 (AISI 316Ti).
  • Pt 1000 clamping system (includes support rod and attachment with cable inlet).

Hei-PLATE Silver 2 Package includes:
  • Magnetic Stirrer MR Hei-Connect.
  • Temperature sensor Pt 1000 (AISI 316Ti).
  • Pt 1000 clamping system (includes support rod and attachment with cable inlet).
  • Interface cable RS 232.
TypePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Hei-PLATE silver 1 package154332221on demand 
Hei-PLATE silver 2 package154462231on demand 

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