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Cytiva Quartzfibre Filters

Filters for asbestos fiber analysis:
  • Mixed ester membranes in various Ø and pores sizes.
  • MembraClear membrane: 0.8 µm mixed ester membrane for phase-contrast optical microscopy method.
  • Cyclopore™ and Nuclepore™ PC membranes in various Ø and pore sizes.
Filters for air pollution monitoring:Applications:
Glass / quartz fiber filters:gravimetric methods (PM2.5 - PM10)
PTFE membranes:flue and stack emissions
Filter papers:heavy metals
Extraction thimbles:polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Cytiva Quartzfibre Filters
HöheLength [mm]BreiteMaterialBinding agentFilter typePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
25.00  [_2/0_][_109/0_]filter circle15421845-0011on demand 
37.00  quartz microfibrewithoutfilter circle10054266071240.00Order
47.00  quartz microfibrewithoutfilter circle10054266221274.00Order
50.00  [_2/0_][_109/0_]filter circle15421846-0011on demand 
90.00  quartz microfibrewithoutfilter circle10054266081512.00Order
150.00  [_2/0_][_109/0_]filter circle15421851-0011on demand 
 203.00254.00quartz microfibrewithoutfilter sheet2554266091433.00Order

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