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AQUARIUS* Hand Cleanser Dispensers

Our unique patented overfill prevention device for folded products means less jamming and wastage, minimising costs.
  • Dispensers are designed with no dirt or dust traps.
  • Highly sustainable, compact design, less plastic, using less wall space.
  • Patented overfill device.
  • Stylish viewing window: easy to see when needs refilling.
  • Concealed locking mechanism: lockable, with or without key, easy to maintain and controls costs.
  • Dispenser cover conceals the backplate: no joins to collect dirt or dust.
Stylish, white, easy-load dispenser, ideal for dispensing liquid or foam soap. Easy clean dispenser designed to deliver just the right amount of product needed, reducing usage and minimising waste for maximum versatility and cost-efficiency.
Material:no indication
AQUARIUS* Hand Cleanser Dispensers  Kimberly-Clark
AQUARIUS* Hand Cleanser Dispensers  Kimberly-Clark
AQUARIUS* Hand Cleanser Dispensers  Kimberly-Clark
TypeLength [mm]BreiteHöheColourPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
AQUARIUS* dispenser116.00114.00235.00white15433119138.01Order
AQUARIUS* dispenser with elbow lever and window115.00247.00237.00white15433120146.28Order
AQUARIUS* dispenser116.00114.00235.00black15443533138.01Order
KLEENEX gel hand sanitiser, pump-action cassettes / Kimberly-Clark

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