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Filter Circles, Quantitative, Grade 52

The general purpose hardened filter paper with medium retention and flow rate. Very hard surface.
Particle retention in liquid:7 µm
Filtration speed Herzberg:235 s
Ash content:0.015 %
Typical thickness:235 µm
Basis weight:101 g / m2
Filter type:filter circle
Filtration time~[s]:11.40
TypeHöhePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Grade 5290.001005432571136.71Order
Grade 52110.001005432572143.32Order
Grade 52125.001005432573152.16Order
Grade 52150.001005428767161.61Order
Grade 52240.0010054325741140.47Order
Particle retention rating at 98 % efficiency.
Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900 °C in air.

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