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Cytiva Filter Circles, Qualitative, Grade 541

Fast filtration of coarse particles and gelatinous precipitates in acid / alkali solutions during gravimetric analysis. Typical applications incl. fibre in animal foodstuffs, gelatine in milk and cream, chloride in cement and chloride and phosphorous in coal and coke.
Particle retention in liquid:20 to 25 µm
Filtration speed Herzberg:34 s
Ash content:< 0.006 %
Typical thickness:155 µm
Basis weight:82 g / m2
Filter type:filter circle
Filtration time~[s]:3.00
TypeHöhePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Grade 54142.501005428663120.83Order
Grade 54147.001005428664122.18Order
Grade 54155.001005428665123.31Order
Grade 54170.001005428666123.24Order
Grade 54190.001005428668134.79Order
Grade 541110.001005428669146.30Order
Grade 541125.001005428670154.70Order
Grade 541150.001005428671179.87Order
Grade 541185.0010054286721123.82Order
Grade 541240.0010054286731197.00Order
Grade 541270.00154286741on demand 
Grade 541320.0010054286751361.00Order
Grade 541400.00154286761on demand 
Particle retention rating at 98 % efficiency.
Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900 °C in air.

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