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Filter Circles, Technical, Grade 3

A very thick filter card with high wet strength. Offers very high flow rate and retains medium to coarse particles.
Particle retention in liquid:8 to 15 µm
Filtration speed herzberg:approx. 27.5 s
Air flow:4.4 (s / 100 ml / in2)
Typical thickness:1500 µm
Basis weight:550 g / m2
Filter type:filter circle
Filtration time~[s]:27.50
TypeHöheDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Grade 2294110.00 10054285691149.56Order
Grade 2294180.00with central hole 33 mm1005428570174.91Order
Grade 2294210.00with central hole 60 mm10054285711107.14Order

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