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Dipping Vessels

  • With Easy-Flow, the flow optimised flow valve.
  • High weight for faster lowering.
  • Made of non- spark producing brass or st. steel V2A (1.4301) for Ex area.
  • Explosion Categories IIA, IIB and IIC.
  • Please order the appropriate lowering cable at the same time.
  • Tested for use in the Ex protection zone 0.

Observe Ex-proof guidelines when sampling flammable liquids. Only use conductive lowering cables made of nonspark-producing material and conductive hand reels with grounding connection.
Height with handles~mm:427
MaterialWeight kgPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
St. steel2.11542950611,143.65Order
Accessories for dipping bottles / vessels / immersion cylinders / Bürkle

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