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Hand Disinfectant Sterillium® Virugard

For hygienic and surgical rub-in hand disinfection. Highly effective virucidal, alcoholic hand disinfectant. Particularly suitable for all areas with an increased risk of infection (infection wards, intensive care units, dialysis departments) emergency wards, outpatient departments, laboratories.
  • For epidemic outbreaks.
  • Particularly active against enveloped and nonenveloped viruses.
  • Colourant- and fragrance-free.
  • Listed by the RKI (recommended for epidemic outbreaks incl. noroviruses).
Hand Disinfectant Sterillium® Virugard  HARTMANN
Inhalt mlCleanerPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
500.00skin care1543034118.57Order
1000.00skin care15430342115.07Order
Important notice only for Germany: please take a look at the "pharmaceutical-advertising law".

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