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DURAN® Funnels
DWK Life Sciences

A funnel enables clean decanting and filtering of liquids.
  • Due to its shape, it can be used for liquid-solid filtration using a filter paper.
  • Burnt-in and therefore permanently durable white print image.
  • With short stem.
  • Autoclavable.
  • DIN ISO 4798.
  • Borosilicate 3.3 glass.
DURAN® Funnels  DWK Life Sciences
AusführungUpper Ø [mm]HöheDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
funnel35.0060.00 15251123112.64Order
funnel45.0080.00not acc. to ISO15251128113.10Order
funnel55.0095.00 15251133119.28Order
funnel70.00125.00not acc. to ISO15251138119.04Order
funnel80.00140.00 15251141120.16Order
funnel100.00180.00 15251146121.93Order
funnel120.00210.00not acc. to ISO15430017127.32Order
funnel150.00265.00 15251157139.90Order
funnel200.00325.00not acc. to ISO15251161195.11Order
funnel180.00290.00not acc. to ISO15430018174.49Order
funnel300.00409.00not acc. to ISO154300201184.93Order
* Non ISO size.

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