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Accessories for GLS 80® Screw Cap System and GLS 80® Stirred Reactor
DWK Life Sciences

GL 18.
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Accessories for GLS 80® Screw Cap System and GLS 80® Stirred Reactor  DWK Life Sciences
TypeDescriptionTypePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Insert for screw cap3.2 mmInsert for screw cap15423341117.26Order
Insert for screw cap6.0 mmInsert for screw cap15423342117.26Order
Insert for screw cap8.0 mmInsert for screw cap15423343117.66Order
Insert for screw cap10.0 mmInsert for screw cap15423344117.66Order
Insert for screw cap12.0 mmInsert for screw cap15423345117.26Order
Screw cap for tube connectionblueScrew cap for tube connection1542334617.12Order
Pressure equalisation setfor 4-portPressure equalisation set15423347129.19Order
Screw capred, PBTScrew cap1542334812.89Order

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