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Single- and Multi-Channel Pipettes Xplorer®

Electronic pipette, especially developed to meet highest professional needs and to support working with the intuitive control concepts and the ergonomic design of the Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept®. Accurately adjustable parameters, max. reproducible results, ultra light pipette, full control over all procedures of the pipette.
  • All functions at first glance and uncomplicated selection via selection wheel.
  • With multifunction rocker switch with the 'Up is up and down is down' principle, for more control at sucking in and draining of fluids.
  • The separate DC power jack allows working during charging processes.
  • Charging the pipette via desktop charger.
  • Little weight and required operating forces.
Volume adjustment:variable
Pipette version:GLP
Single- and Multi-Channel Pipettes Xplorer®  Eppendorf
Single- and Multi-Channel Pipettes Xplorer®  Eppendorf
Single- and Multi-Channel Pipettes Xplorer®  Eppendorf
Single- and Multi-Channel Pipettes Xplorer®  Eppendorf
Min. VolumenMax. VolumenNo. of channelsColour codeForPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
0.5010.001-channelmedium grey20 µl tips154233201511.28Order
1.0020.001-channellight grey 154467471511.28Order
5.00100.001-channelyellow200 µl tips154233211511.28Order
10.00200.001-channelyellow 154467481511.28Order
15.00300.001-channelorange300 µl tips154233221511.28Order
50.001000.001-channelblue1000 µl tips154233231511.28Order
125.002500.001-channelred 154467491511.28Order
250.005000.001-channelpurple5000 µl tips154233241511.28Order
500.0010000.001-channelturquoise10000 µl tips154233251511.28Order
0.5010.008-channelmedium grey20 µl tips154233301754.60Order
5.00100.008-channelyellow200 µl tips154233311754.60Order
15.00300.008-channelorange300 µl tips154233321754.60Order
50.001200.008-channelgreen1250 µl tips154233331754.60Order
0.5010.0012-channelmedium grey20 µl tips154233351884.73Order
5.00100.0012-channelyellow200 µl tips154233361884.73Order
15.00300.0012-channelorange300 µl tips154233371884.73Order
50.001200.0012-channelgreen1250 µl tips154324121884.73Order
Accessories for Xplorer single- and multi-channel pipettes / Eppendorf
Pipette calibration / OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM
Pipette service and repair / OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM
Pipette calibration and 'as found' / OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM
Pipette calibration, repair and 'as found' / OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM

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