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Desiccator Lid NOVUS

For standard ground joint stopcocks (NS 24 / 29) type NOVUS, DIN 12 491. Suitable for all types of bases.
Core~[NS]:no indication
Desiccator Lid NOVUS  DURAN®
TypeHöheFlange [DN]PUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Upper part62.0010015042419199.10Order
Upper part85.00150150424311111.07Order
Upper part94.00200150424381120.38Order
Upper part109.00250150424431148.48Order
Upper part137.00300150424471211.79Order
Desiccator bases with flat flange, no outlet / DWK Life Sciences
Desiccator bases NOVUS / DWK Life Sciences

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