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Greiner Bio-One 
Petri Dishes

  • PS.
  • Heavy type for a higher heat resistance for applications with hot agar.
  • With and without vents.
Petri Dishes
MaterialHöheHöheTypePUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
PS35.0010.00Light version, with vents74054080351 151.77Order
PS60.0015.00Light version, with vents60054080401 99.48Order
PS94.0016.00Heavy version, with vents48054080451 89.38Order
PS94.0016.00Heavy version, without vents48054080471 112.49Order
PS94.0016.00Light version, without vents48054080941 72.69Order
PS94.0016.00Light version, with vents48054080951 72.69Order

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