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Accessories for GFL Shakers: Trays

With holes to accommodate clamps for Erlenmeyer flasks, test tube racks A000059 and A000060, clamps for separating funnels etc.

Type A000044:
Made of st. steel, 330 x 330 mm.

Type A000045:
Made of st. steel, 450 x 450 mm (also see LAUDA-GFL shaking incubator type VS 60 OI).

Type A000047:
Made of 3 mm thick anodised aluminium, 670 x 537 mm (also see LAUDA-GFL shaking incubator type VS 150 OI).
Accessories for GFL Shakers: Trays  LAUDA
TypeForPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
A000044shaker VS 815837972191.80Order
A000045shaker VS 15158379361164.00Order
A000047shaker VS 30 OI158379801239.00Order

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