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epReference3 Pack

Items supplied
  • 3 eppendorf Reference® PhysioCare Concept® pipettes (0.5 to 10 µl, 10 to 100 µl, 100 to 1000 µl).
  • 3 refillable epT.I.P.S.® boxes with 96 tips each (max. capacity 20, 200 and 1000 µl).
  • 3 pipette holders.
  • 1 SOP.
  • 1 Pipette pen.
Colour code:[_7/2_]
epReference3 Pack  Eppendorf
epReference3 Pack  Eppendorf
epReference3 Pack  Eppendorf
TypeNo. of channelsVolume adjustmentPipette versionDosingPUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
epReference3 Pack, option 11-channelvariableGLPmanual152833041 on demand 

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