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Thermo Scientific 
Compact Vacuum Drying Oven VT 6025
Thermo Scientific

The VT 6025 provides entry to gentle and fast vacuum drying for small scale samples. Requiring minimum lab space the instrument features superior performance. High quality electropolished st. steel inner casing combined with extraordinary welding technology maximises the instrumentás life time. Temperature and pressure documentation is available to meet ISO 9000 and GLP / GMP requirements.
Technical Data:
External size (W x D x H):480 x 450 x 600 mm
Internal size (W x D x H):300 x 307 x 275 mm
Volume:25 l
Internal height above shelf:120 mm
Temperature:200 °C
Final vacuum:1 x 10-2 mbar
Mains supply:230 V, 50 / 60 Hz
Protection class:IP 20
Type:VT 6025
Compact Vacuum Drying Oven VT 6025  Thermo Scientific
Max. ArbeitstemperaturVolumenInnenbreiteInnentiefeInnenhöhePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Vacuum pump and accessories are available on request.
Validation tests of laboratory devices / OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM

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