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Tray for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW

Made of st. steel, with holes to accept clamps for a variety of Erlenmeyer flasks and test tube racks. The tray can easily be lifted into or out of the bath by its two handles which are above the waters' surface, for easy inserting and removing from the bath.

Without clamps.
Tray for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW  LAUDA
TypeMaterialPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Trayno indication158379601163.00Order
Clamps for Erlenmeyer flasks for shaking water baths 1083, 1086 and 1092 / Lauda

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