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Water Level Regulator for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW

Adjustable, for keeping the water level constant and to cool shaking water bath H 20 S (from approx. 3 °C above tap water temperature).
Water Level Regulator for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW  LAUDA
Water Level Regulator for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW  LAUDA
Water Level Regulator for Hydro Shaking Water Baths H 20 S, H 20 SW and H 20 SOW  LAUDA
TypeMaterialPUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
Water level regulatorno indication159059861 94.20Order

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