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Saint Gobain 
Tygon® E-1000 Ultra-Soft Tubing
Saint Gobain

Tygon® Ultra-Soft tubing resists a broad range of aqueous chemicals and provides an excellent alternative to silicone tubing in applications where corrosive chemicals are used. Its min. resistance to compression permits use in low-torque peristaltic pump applications, incl. battery-driven types. Its smooth bore facilitates easy cleaning and helps prevent possible buildup. This tubing is not autoclavable.
  • With non-DEHP plasticiser.
  • Can be sterilised with gas.
  • Hardness: Shore A, 40.
  • Ultra-soft and flexible.
  • Performs well at low temperatures to - 73 °C.
  • Max. temperature + 52 °C.
  • Sold in m.
Tygon® E-1000 Ultra-Soft Tubing  Saint Gobain
Innen-Ø mmØWall thickness [mm]PUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
1.604.803.20152069211on demand 
3.206.401.60152069231on demand 
6.409.601.60152069271on demand 
9.5012.701.60152069331on demand 

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