Tel: +31 (0)10 258 1870 | Support: +31 (0)10 258 1876
Multi-Purpose Containers

  • Material: PEHD.
  • Tight fitting snap-on lid made of PELD.
  • Freezing possible, stackable.
  • Colour: natural.
  • Stackable.
  • Acid and chemicals resistant.
  • Food resistant.
Lid type:press-on cap
Sterile:no indication
Multi-Purpose Containers  hünersdorff
VolumenHöheHöheDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
200.0042.0098.0098 x 421503320112.38 +5.00%Order
400.0055.00114.00114 x 551503320212.70 +5.00%Order
700.0088.00114.00114 x 881503321113.02 +5.00%Order
1000.00110.00136.00136 x 1101503321213.42 +5.00%Order
2000.00143.00169.00169 x 1431503321315.60 +5.00%Order

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