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Microlitre Syringes, Series 1700 / 1000

With Teflon®-coated plunger and seal. Luer-Lock connector. Gas tight microlitre syringes, without needle.
  • TLLX = plunger stop fitted to prevent damage of the Teflon® seal.
  • Spare plunger available.
Incl. needle:no
Tip type:without
Syringe connection:TLL
Microlitre Syringes, Series 1700 / 1000  HAMILTON
Max. VolumenSyringe typeTypeDivisionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
50.0017001705 TLL X1.0015221305185.20Order
100.0017001710 TLL X1.0015221310179.60Order
250.0017001725 TLL X5.0015221315181.90Order
250.0017001725 TLL5.0015421474174.50Order
500.0017001750 TLL X10.0015221320179.60Order
1000.0010001001 TLL20.0015221325174.30Order
2500.0010001002 TLL50.0015221330174.30Order
5000.0010001005 TLL100.0015221335186.90Order
10000.0010001010 TLL200.0015221340195.80Order
25000.0010001025 TLL500.00154341331293.00Order
50000.0010001050 TLL1000.00152213551353.00Order
25000.0010001025 TLL500.00152213471253.00Order

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