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Accessories for testo 735-2

Accessories for testo 735-2  testo
TypeDescriptionPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Service casefor measuring instrument, probes and accessories15851711190.00Order
Immersion / penetration probeswaterproof standard immersion / penetration probe, TE type T, - 60 to + 400 °C15851712146.00Order
Laboratory probePt 100, glass-coated, exchangeable glass pipe, resistant to corrosive substances, - 50 to + 400 °C158517181118.00Order
Surface probewaterproof, with widened measurement tip for flat surfaces, TE type T, - 50 to + 350 °C15851713167.00Order
Immersion/ penetration probe125167056281415.00Order

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