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WYPALL* L30 Wipes - Large Roll

WYPALL® brand professional wiping paper products are designed for the specific environments where they will be used, to deliver on your wiping task, every time. This blue, 3 ply, single use industrial jumbo roll has wider sheets, designed for demanding heavy-duty tasks. This roll is perfect for soaking up industrial spills and wiping oily or dirty parts and surfaces. Our unique Airflex™ technology delivers exceptional strength and absorbency.
WYPALL* L30 Wipes - Large Roll  Kimberly-Clark
TypeColourSize mmPackungPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
WYPALL* L30white235 x 380roll of 750 wipes15428859169.09Order
WYPALL* L30blue370 x 380roll of 670 wipes15413046186.91Order

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