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epTIPS® Boxes, IVD version

  • System optimised for use with multi-channel pipettes.
  • Colour-coded trays for simple identification of tips and matching Eppendorf pipette.
  • IVD version.
Purity grade:no indication
DNAse / RNAse-free:no
Filter tip:no
Farbcode:keine Angabe
epTIPS® Boxes, IVD version  Eppendorf
epTIPS® Boxes, IVD version  Eppendorf
epTIPS® Boxes, IVD version  Eppendorf
Min. VolumenMax. VolumenPackungPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
0.1010.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094701on demand 
0.1020.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094711on demand 
0.5020.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094721on demand 
2.00200.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094731on demand 
20.00300.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094741on demand 
50.001000.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094751on demand 
50.001250.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154094761on demand 
50.001250.001 reusable box incl. 96 tips154234041on demand 
100.005000.001 reusable box incl. 24 tips154094781on demand 
250.002500.001 reusable box incl. 48 tips154094771on demand 
* The pipette tips of the epT.I.P.S.® product group with the respective product numbers are designed and constructed for low-contamination transfer of liquids, in particular for samples from the human body and for reagents within the scope of an in-vitro
diagnostic application in order to allow the in-vitro diagnostic medical device to be used as intended. The above mentioned epT.I.P.S.® are in-vitro diagnostic devices according to Directive 98/79/EC
of the European Parliament and the Council dated October 27, 1998. They are intended exclusively for single use and for application by qualified staff.
Alternate products:
epTIPS Boxes, epTIPS Reloads / Eppendorf

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