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Varispenser® / Varispenser plus®

Bottle-top dispenser aliquots of liquid from large supply bottles for extraction. Capable of exact reproducible dispensing, no waste of reagent. Autoclavable and extremely chemical-resistant.
  • Wide range of volumes (6 sizes).
  • PFA seal of the sliding piston prevents seizing.
  • Precision piston prevents liquid efflorescence.
  • High chemical resistance.
  • Fast volume setting via fine graduation.
  • Simple cleaning, dismantling without cleaning.
  • Telescopic aspirating tube for variable adjustment to bottle height.
  • Fully autoclavable without disassembly.

Bottle-top dispenser, complete with telescopic tube, wrench and 3 adapters.

Varispenser plus®:
Bottle-top dispenser with safety valve and fine adjustment, complete with telescopic tube, wrench and 3 adapters.
Varispenser® / Varispenser plus®  Eppendorf
DescriptionVolume range mlWith 3 adapters for outer - Ø (mm)PUOrder No.CDC Price/Unit/EUR 
Varispenser®5.00 to 25.032, 38, 40152856031 on demand 

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