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Lab-Jacks, Anodised Aluminium

For those who wish to reach the top:
  • Improved scissor technology with reduced tolerances.
  • Ergonomic knob, rounded and user friendly.
  • Scissor-construction made of 18 / 10 st. steel.
  • All models are manufactured acc. to DIN 12897.
  • With the operating load we differ between the max. dynamic operating load (kg max. dyn.) and the max. static operating load (kg max. stat.) of the lab jack. These norms are also acc. to DIN 12897.
  • Smaller models up to 240 x 240 mm (type 1) have a simple adjusting wheel, which can be operated by hand.
  • With the bigger models from 300 x 300 mm on (type 2), the use of a ratchet is recommend, which connects with a special adjusting wheel; ratchet is included within scope of delivery.
Lab-Jacks, Anodised Aluminium  BOCHEM®
TypeMax. BelastungsgewichtPlattenbreitePlattenlängeMaterialHubhöheHubhöheTragkraft max. statischPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
Lab-jack5.00100.00100.00aluminium55.00120.0010.00151189751170.69 +6.00%Order
Lab-jack7.00160.00130.00aluminium60.00275.0030.00151189761141.44 +6.00%Order
Lab-jack7.00200.00200.00aluminium60.00275.0030.00151189771161.51 +6.00%Order
Lab-jack7.00240.00240.00aluminium60.00275.0030.00151189781187.60 +6.00%Order
Lab-jack12.00300.00300.00aluminium90.00470.0060.00151189791616.21 +6.00%Order
Lab-jack15.00400.00400.00aluminium90.00470.0060.00154347561924.29 +6.00%Order
Ratchet   no indication   15118929-0021on demand 

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