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CellSTACK™ Cell Culture Chambers

  • Two 26 mm Ø filling ports allow direct access to chamber bottom providing greater flexibility for sterile filling and emptying by pouring, pipetting or via tubing in a fully closed system.
  • Standard 33 mm threaded caps have 0.2 µm pore non-wettable membranes sealed directly to the caps to allow gas exchange while minimising the risk of contamination.
  • Optional 33 mm threaded caps are available with integrally sealed USP Class VI certified C-FLEX tubing to allow direct sterile transfer of media and cells.
  • USP Class VI PS provides excellent optical clarity and mechanical strength.
  • Sterilised by gamma radiation and certified non-pyrogenic.
  • Sterile.
For gassing:passive
CellSTACK™ Cell Culture Chambers  Corning®
CellSTACK™ Cell Culture Chambers  Corning®
CellSTACK™ Cell Culture Chambers  Corning®
Surface [cm2]Anzahl EbenenAnzahl KammernPUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 

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