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Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin

96 well plates with flat bottom made of PS.
  • Cell culture treated.
  • With lid.
  • Non-sterile.
Anzahl Wells:96 well
Sterile:no indication
Lid:no indication
Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin  Corning®
Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin  Corning®
Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin  Corning®
Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin  Corning®
Falcon™ BioCoat™ Microplates Poly-D-Lysin  Corning®
TypePUOrder No.CDCPrice/Unit/EUR 
96 well plate, clear5FALC3544611103.16Order
96 well plate, clear50FALC3564611550.16Order
96 well plate, white / opaque50FALC3566201673.57Order

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